Todas as embaixadas e consulados encontrados

País Cidade Tipo Nome
Country Flag of canada Canada Maseru consulate Consulate of Canada in Maseru
Country Flag of china China Maseru embassy Chinese Embassy in Maseru
Country Flag of denmark Denmark Maseru consulate Royal Danish Consulate in Maseru
Country Flag of germany Germany Maseru, Lesotho consulate Honorary Consul of the Federal Republic of Germany in Maseru
Country Flag of ireland Ireland Maseru embassy Embassy of Ireland in Lesotho
Country Flag of netherlands Netherlands Maseru consulate Consulate of Netherlands in Maseru
Country Flag of pakistan Pakistan Maseru consulate Honorary Consulate of Pakistan in Maseru
Country Flag of south-africa South africa Maseru other South African High Commission in Maseru
Country Flag of united-states United states Maseru embassy Embassy of teh United States in Maseru